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Scary MoVie (5) (2013) 720p – 599MB – scOrp
| 2013-08-10, 0:10 AM |
 IMDB PageHappily-married couple Dan and Jody
begin to notice some bizarre activity once they bring their newborn baby
Aiden home from the hospital. But when the chaos expands into Jody’s
job as a ballet dancer and Dan’s career as an Ape researcher, they
realize their family is being stalked by a nefarious demon. Together,
with the advice of certified experts and the aid of numerous cameras,
they must figure out how to get rid of it before it’s too late.[FORMAT]:…………………..[ Matroska
[AWARDS]:…………………..[ None
[GENRE]:……………………[ Comedy
[NO OF CDs]:………………..[ 1
[RESOLUTION]:……………….[ 1280*720
[ASPECT RATIO]:……………..[ 16:9
[FRAME RATE]:……………….[ 23.976 fps
[LANGUAGE ]:………………..[ English
[SUBTITLES]:………………..[ muxed
[ORIGINAL RUNTIME]:………….[ 01:28:00
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:…………..[ 01:28:00
[SOURCE]:…………………..[ 720p.GECKOS
Category: Movies | Added by: TH3WICK3D1
Views: 9074 | Downloads: 0
| Comments: 1
| Rating: 5.0/1 |
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