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We’re the Millers (2013) WebRip 400mb
| 2013-08-25, 11:25 AM |
IMDB Page After being robbed of a week's take, small-time pot dealer David is
forced by his boss to go to Mexico to pick up a load of marijuana. In
order to improve his odds of making it past the border, David asks the
broke stripper Rose and two local teenagers to join him and pretend
they're on a family holiday. [TITLE]…………………….[ We're the Millers (2013)
[DIRECTOR]………………….[ Rawson Marshall Thurber
[RELEASE DATE]………………[ 7 August 2013(USA)
[FORMAT]:…………………..[ MKV
[GENRE]:……………………[ Comedy, Crime
[NO OF CDs]…………………[ 1
[FILE SIZE]:………………..[ 425.33 MiB
[LANGUAGE]:…………………[ English
[SUBTITLES]:………………..[ Chinese
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:…………..[ 01:44:42
[SOURCE]:…………………..[ WEBRiP-UNiQUE
Category: Movies | Added by: TH3WICK3D1
Views: 11193 | Downloads: 0
| Comments: 8
| Rating: 0.0/0 |
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