How I Met Your Mother Season 6 (175mb Episodes) MediaFire Links
2010-10-22, 12:18 PM
I Met Your Mother is an Emmy Award winning
American sitcom
that premiered on CBS on September 19, 2005. The show was created by
Craig Thomas and Carter Bays. As a framing device, the main character,
Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor),
in the year 2030 recounts to his son and daughter the events that led
to his meeting their mother, which explains the title and allows for a
narration in the past tense. How I Met Your Mother's other main
characters are Marshall Eriksen (Jason
Segel), Robin Scherbatsky (Cobie
Smulders), Barney Stinson (Neil
Patrick Harris), and Lily Aldrin
(Alyson Hannigan).
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Hey guys i am NITISH from India(new delhi)......i have some lines for all of you:- @robin: you are the most beautifulll women i have ever seen and specially your eyes and smile is really awsome and pretty...i wish i would have a girfriend like you....but you did a great job in this epic series and i really love and like your character and i love you @barney: youu are just simply awsome man.......legen---------dary;) @lily: you have played the sweetest character and a very caring one yaa:) @marshall: respect for you marshall and your singing skills are really awsome man and your character is just so cool and simple and that is wat is special about you...:) @ted: and now for the main character Mr. ted mosby you are such a great actor...and your character resembles me in real life....and the way you treat girls in the series is awsome.......wat
Please upload ur encoded file in rar or zip coz many ppl include me cant download multimedia file, like avi, mkv, mp3, etc etc etc. Especially for TV series (How i Met Your Mother).
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